2024 Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarships - Call for Applications

Purpose: To provide scholarships to individuals who are in accredited US Schools of Nursing Accelerated Second Degree or Doctor of Nursing Practice programs.

Scholarship: Up to US$5,000.

Scholarships are available to those accepted to or enrolled in accredited U.S. Schools of Nursing Accelerated Second Degree or Doctor of Nursing Practice programs for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Note: An individual cannot receive this award more than one time.

Scholarship funds will be sent to the school of nursing’s university by September 2024 to pay for 2024-2025 tuition, books, and other university fees. Any funds not used for these purposes must be returned to Sigma Foundation for Nursing.

This scholarship is made possible through a grant from the Helene Fuld Health Trust to the Sigma Foundation for Nursing.


Please read the following information and submission requirements carefully. Failure to submit a complete application can result in disqualification.

1. The candidate must be currently enrolled or have been accepted into an accelerated second degree or DNP degree program at an ACEN, ACME, CAO, or NLN - CNEA* accredited US School of Nursing for the 2024-2025 academic year (see list below). Accepted students must matriculate for the university to receive funds.

*Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
Accreditation Commission of Midwifery Education (ACME)
Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Programs (CAO)
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA)

2. Application must be accurately and completely submitted by the deadline for consideration.
3. Upon graduation the nurse will be contacted by Sigma Foundation for Nursing to complete a survey.

NOTE: Information contained in this application will be shared with individuals on the Scholarship Review Team.

Application Deadline:  Monday, 1 April 2024 (11:59 p.m. PST)

All applications MUST be received online by 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Monday, 1 April 2024. We highly encourage you to begin and complete your application before Monday, 1 April 2024. Those providing your letters of support will have until Monday, 1 April 2024 (11:59 p.m. PST).

  1. General Online Application Instructions

    Applicants will be automatically informed of the unique ID numbers and passwords assigned to their application. Applications may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline, using the assigned ID# and password.

    The online application system divides the submittal process into a series of steps. The applicant will complete the requirements for a step, review and save the step, then proceed to next step following the buttons at the bottom of each page. Steps must be completed in sequence. At any point prior to the application deadline, you may revisit any completed step within your application to make editorial changes. Click the applicable step in the step tab bar, edit the data, and save the step once again.

Online Application Steps and Guidelines:

  1. Scholarship Category

    Select the scholarship category which your application should be reviewed by Sigma under. For more information or questions about the about the scholarship categories (listed below), please contact Tonna M. Thomas, Grants Coordinator at 888.634.7575 US/Canada, +1.317.634.8171 International or scholarships@sigmanursing.org.
    • Scholarship for Individuals in a Doctoral Nursing Program (DNP)
    • Scholarship for Individuals with a BS in another field in an Accelerated Second Degree Program
  2. School Information

    Sigma requires the following school information:

    • Student Status
    • Program Start Date
    • Name of School of Nursing
    • School Telephone Number
    • School Contact: Name and Email Address
    • Is this school/program is NLN CNEA, ACEN or CCNE accredited
    • Percentage of the program completed
    • Anticipated Date of Graduation
    • At the completion of this program, what degree will you receive
    • Agreement to participate in long-term evaluations.
  3. Applicant

    Enter applicant's name, affiliation, contact information and R.N. License Information (if available) ie. R.N. License Number, State, Expiration Date.
  4. Biographical Information

    Sigma requires the applicant to submit Biographical Information i.e. CV with their application. The following MUST be included in the CV file:

    • Previous Education (include the Institution Name, Location, Degree/Diploma and Date of Completion)
    • Work Experience (include the Dates, Position, Institution, Location - List most recent position last)
    • Membership in Professional Organizations - Both nursing and non-nursing (include the Date of Membership and Organization)

    The following file types may be uploaded: PDF document (*.pdf), Word document (*.doc), or DOCX file (*.docx).

  5. Essay

    In 500 words or less, define how your professional goals will advance nursing leadership, scholarship, and service. Please include links to list of examples. Any provided link(s) will count towards the word limit.
  6. Transcript/Letter of Acceptance

    Sigma requires the applicant to submit their current Transcript (if currently enrolled) or a Letter of Acceptance for the 2024-2025 academic year program. Non-official transcripts are NOT accepted.

    The following file types may be uploaded: PDF document (*.pdf), Word document (*.doc), DOCX file (*.docx), JPEG image (*.jpg), PNG image (*.png), or GIF image (*.gif).

  7. Letters of Support

    Sigma requires a minimum of two letters of support to be submitted by listed references on the application. Upon completing this step, an email message will be sent to the person you identify, asking him/her to submit a letter of support for the application. Please ensure that the email address you provide for this person is a working email address. Please inform this reference that he/she will be asked to submit an letter of support online, and that Sigma will provide him/her via email with the necessary password and Web page address.

    Once the reference has submitted his/her letter of support online, you will receive a confirmation email that the letter of support was received by the Sigma online system. Please note, sometimes universities and/or institutions block these confirmation emails, mistaking them for spam. By periodically accessing your submission and clicking the menu icon (top left) then the "View Submission" link and then scrolling down to the "References and Letters of Support" section, you will be able to see the status of your letter of support. We suggest your reference adds sigmascholarships@confex.com to their email safe list to ensure receiving the communication regarding your letter of support request.

    Letter of Support Deadline:  All letters of support must be received by Monday, 1 April 2024 (11:59 p.m. PST), in order for the application to be reviewed by Sigma staff.

  8. Confirmation

    You will have a chance to look over the application to make sure all is complete. Any changes that you make will be reflected instantly in what is seen by the Sigma staff. You DO NOT need to go through all of the submission steps in order to change one thing, simply utilize the step links in the Application Control Panel and edit previously entered information. At any point in the online submission process, prior to the submission deadline, you can return to a previous completed step (even if the Confirmation step was completed) and make edits to the submission.

Begin an Application:

Online Applications
Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately the application deadline has been reached. New submissions and revisions are no longer being accepted at this time. Any questions or concerns, please contact Tonna M. Thomas, Grants Coordinator at 888.634.7575 US/Canada, +1.317.634.8171 International or scholarships@sigmanursing.org